?????????????? ????是你把天堂搬到了人間
?????????????????? 縹緲的白云帶來了吉祥和溫暖
?????????????????? 白色的撫慰讓痛苦神奇消散
?????????????????? 白色微笑滋潤焦渴的心田
?????????????????? 白色的病房帶來幸福的夢幻
?????????????????? 白色的衣裙帶來和煦的春天
?????????????????? 哦,白色,是圣潔的象征
?????????????????? 哦,白色,是生命的護(hù)衛(wèi)線
???????????????? ??幼小的生命在白色的祥云中哇哇墜地
?????????????????? 飽受傷痛的人在白色祥云中露出笑臉
?????????????????? 哦,白衣天使
?????????????????? 你給生者帶來了幸福和希望
?????????????????? 你給死者賦予了崇高的尊嚴(yán)
?????????????????? 哪里有你哪里就有和諧和寧靜
?????????????????? 哪里有你哪里就陽光燦爛
?????????????????? 啊,偉大的白衣天使
???????????????? ??是你,就是你
?????????????????? 把天堂搬到了人間
Ode to the Angels in White
By Wang Yongli
It is not others but you who have brought heaven on earth successfully,
The white auspicious clouds symbolize fortune and warmth legendarily,
The white auspicious clouds can reduce patients’ painfulness magically,
The white auspicious clouds can moisten the parched hearts carefully,
The white auspicious clouds can bring the despaired with a good dreaming,
The white auspicious clouds can bring the frozen zone with a wonderful spring,
Oh, the angels in white is the symbol of the holy and pure,
Oh, the angels in white is the lifeline to a society in sure,
Little lives in the white auspicious clouds come to the world,
The patients who suffer from pain become smiled under your hold,
Oh, angels in white,
You give happiness and hope to the living humanity,
You give the dead with lofty dignity,
Where you are where will be peaceful and harmony,
Where you are where will be happy and sunny,
Ah, the angels in white, you are so great,
It is no others, but it is you doubtlessly,
You have brought heaven on earth successfully.