一隊駱駝 身荷重負
??????? ??從富饒的東海岸來到蠻荒的西域
??????? ??鵝卵石橫飛撲面,堅硬的沙粒漫天襲來
????????? 飛沙走石的沙塵暴中
????????? 我們兜著圈子 步履難挨
??????? ??行走于夜冷晝熱的沙漠
????????? 我們就把命運交給了死神
????????? 疲勞、焦渴與饑餓
????????? 和著風沙 一并隱忍
????????? 生命極限的挑戰(zhàn) 一次次攀新
? ? ? ? ????我們用脊背駝來西域的繁榮
? ? ? ? ????絲綢之路寫滿我們的憂傷
? ? ? ? ????為這廣袤的土地奉獻熱情
? ? ? ? ? ???是我們至死追求的榮耀
? ? ? ? ????人們啊請給我們土地 給我們自由的王國
? ? ? ? ????請打開藩籬 放我們奔跑吧
? ? ? ? ????我們渴望空氣的清新 馳騁的歡暢
? ? ? ? ????一路絕塵奔上高原 那西天新生的地方
The Psalm of Camels
?????????????????? By Wang Yongli
??????? ?From the east rich coast to the west wild land,
???????? A group of camels step forth carrying heavy articles,
???????? Over the shining pebbles and the hardened sand,
???????? Staggering against raged sandstorms in circles.
???????? Gliding along the cold and hot desert land,
Enduring fatigue, hunger, and thirsty,
???????? Putting our fates in the Death Nature ‘s hand,
???????? Challenging the life’s extremity.
???????? Making the prosperity by our transportation,
???????? Covering the Silk Road by our sad stories.
???????? If souls could die, had perished in that passion,
???????? Contribution for the land is our glories.
???????? But please give us land, a wide open kingdom,
???????? Let us gallop, and we can’t stand fences.
???????? We want to enjoy the fresh air and freedom,
???????? Riding to the plateau where the west commences.